Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Secretary/Marketing Chair Duties

- advertise tryouts and end of semester performance with flyers, facebook, table tents, JMU student gateway and any other means possible within JMU community (Chair of Marketing Committee)

- coordinate advertising efforts with Marketing Committee

- make copies of MDC forms for tryouts and the roster each semester

- design handouts and copy sign-up sheets used at Student Org Night each semester

- design advertisements, flyers and program for performances

- record minutes at the MDC exec meetings

- preferably have some design experience or knowledge of design programs, and as of now, I've been working with Rachel on the website, and this new endeavor -- the BLOG :)

It's a great position, but just comes into full swing at the beginning and towards the end of each semester. If you aren't a good planner and aren't organized, this position isn't for you! But I'm sure any of you would be able to do well in this position, it just takes some time to get used to the swing of things. I've had this position for a few years, and still am learning new and better ways to do things! Anyway, run for secretary!! ;)

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